Writing professionally is very important when it comes to business. Your writing needs to be simple, clear, and precise language. Being a good writer can make you become a better communicator and improve the prospects for your career. Learning the right skills needed to be effective in writing is to know your audience, focus on content and style,use format wisely, Proofread thoroughly and revise ruthlessly and lastly be aware of attitude and perspective.

Know your Audience:

Knowing your audience is the highest law of writing. You may want to ask yourself: What information are they looking for? What do they already know about the topic? What are they hoping to gain out of this information? Know that there is a difference between internal emails communication verses external emails to customers. Internal emails should be clear, informal and short while an external communication should be precise, should follow guidelines of courtesy, clarity and conciseness. Knowing your audience also means relating to your audience. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or any kind of jargon if you can think of an English equivalent. The tone style is important to show adaptability because it will show your flexibility to communicate adeptly with different audiences, to empathize with them, and thus be able to connect at an appropriate and effective wave length.

Focus on Content and Style: 

Make sure that your writing is organized, by using simple language, being concise, distinguish your opinion and facts and make sure it serve a purpose. Understanding how your readers think and feel can you focus your language in a way that best resonates with your audience. Create reader friendly content using an active voice and shorter words. With focus on content the writer must be mindful of using common error that is confusing “affect” and “effect. Another example would be “We’d love to be of assistance” say instead, “We’d love to assist you.”Writers organize material to effectively argue a point, establish authority, or simply encourage you to keep reading. In business communication we want to be mindful of the recipients time. Focus on facts, stick to the subject  and aim for clarity and avoid ambiguity. So keeping your communication clear,precise, short and effective to get the message across is important.

Use Format Wisely: 

Formatting your writing is important because it maximize effectiveness and efficiency. avoid using so much visuals like bullets, italics etc that will distracting to the viewer. the way in which a presentation, email and or reports are formatting in business can help determine the way in which the message is perceived. Formatting helps your writing to appear user-friendly or not.

Proofread Thoroughly and Revise Ruthlessly:

Proofread proofread  it extremely important to ensure that the right message gets to the audiences/recipients. Making your first draft your final product is never good, you want to revise more times that you think you should. When proofreading be mindful of commonly misused words like their and there and where and were. You should always proofread to ensure that your review and revision is  the correct  communication you want to send. It’s good to have someone else give a second eye to confirm that is the message you want to relay.

Be Aware of Attitude and Perspective: 

Be aware of your attitude when writing in business. Avoid using caps that might suggest anger or frustration. It’s crucial that you also know the different layers of meaning your writing conveys. Be careful of how you write so it doesn’t come across wrong and offend your audience. Embracing your recipients perspective is important because it is likely to elicit positive responsive.